CLG Application Process

Becoming a CLG: In North Carolina, many municipalities and counties have preservation programs. Most communities with historic preservation, historic district, or historic landmarks ordinances containing the provisions of the state enabling legislation (General Statutes 160A-400.1 through 160A-400.14) are eligible for certification.

A local government that wishes to seek CLG status should plan to submit the following to the CLG Coordinator of the State Historic Preservation Office:

  1. Evidence that a comprehensive inventory of the area's cultural resources has been or will be conducted.
  2. Information regarding the area's locally designated historic districts and/or historic landmarks.
  3. The ordinance creating the local commission.
  4. The commission's rules of procedure.
  5. The design guidelines used by the commission.
  6. Resumes of the members of the commission.
  7. A description of the commission's past and current activities.

Contact Information

Kristi Brantley
Local Preservation Commission/CLG Coordinator