ESHPF Disaster Assistance Grants for Historic Resources
The National Park Service (NPS) awarded the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) funding to provide recovery assistance to historic resources damaged by Hurricanes Florence and/or Michael that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
The award from the Emergency Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund (ESHPF) administered by the NPS allowed the HPO to make grants for historic resources located in the 61 eligible counties in North Carolina designated by FEMA for disaster assistance.
PLEASE NOTE: This program was a one-time congressional appropriation for recovery from Hurricane Florence and Tropical Storm Michael, only. As of October 9, 2024, it is unknown whether additional ESHPF funds will be appropriated by Congress for relief to historic properties damaged by HURRICANE HELENE.
Grants Have Been Awarded
Grant awards totaling $ 9,172,500 were announced on January 14, 2021. You can read about it in the announcement press release.
Click here to see a list of the grant awards, the amount for each project, and a brief summary.

Who Was Eligible To Apply For Grants
Local governmental units (including Councils of Government) and non-profit organizations were eligible to apply to use the Florence and Michael ESHPF Disaster Relief Grants.
Projects were required to be located in one of the 61 eligible counties and involve properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
What is Grant Funding For
- Architectural and archaeological survey and inventory of historic resources to determine eligibility, degree of damage, and provide preparedness for future disasters.
- Planning (known as pre-development) activities toward future stabilization and/or repair of damaged historic properties.
- Brick and mortar work (known as development) to stabilize and/or repair damaged historic properties.
- The execution of projects to mitigate the threat of damage to eligible historic properties from future natural disasters.
Detailed Information About Requirements for The Grant Program
The Formal Solicitation For Applications describes the requirements of this program:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Questions And Inquiries
Email (preferred) or phone 919-814-6591.
For more information about the NPS hurricane disaster grant program and the Florence, Yutu, Michael awards to states, please visit
Helpful links to disaster information and qualified consultants
NCHPO Disaster Preparedness and Response
Consultants for National Register nominations (also qualified for architectural survey)
Architectural Consultants for Environmental Review Survey
The lists of potential consultants are provided for the convenience of the public and should not be interpreted as representing the recommendations, opinions, or policies of the U.S. Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government.